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Caring Friends

Visiting with members who are homebound because of their health is only one of the tasks of our Caring Friends.  Sending greeting cards for various occasions or making a phone call to say, "Hey, we've missed you and we care about you," are also ways that this group reaches out to our members.  Please contact the office to volunteer.

Social Justice Ministries (SJM)

Write and call political leaders.  Rally alongside peace and justice organizations.  Work on environmental issues.  Stand up for civil rights.  Take action with time, talents and resources.  The SJM are currently co- facilitated by Mary Ellen (M.E.) Steele-Pierce and Glenn Weaver.  Other members of the team are Mary Cassidy-Anger, Pastor Mike Ford, Beatrice and Elizabeth Pitcher, Carol Schmuhl,  Linda Weaver, and Elden Wick.  To learn about the activities of the Social Justice Ministries, click here.  Feel free to reach out to any of the team members if you would like to become part of this impactful ministry.  

Study Groups

Pastor Mike leads a weekly Bible Study on Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The group discusses a focus passage from the upcoming Sunday's lectionary.  Currently, Bible Study is being conducted via Zoom.  The monthly Grief Support Group, also led by Pastor Mike, meets on the first Monday of each month at noon.  The location will depend on the indivduals involved; it has been held over Zoom during COVID but may be transitioning to in person.  For both of these groups, let Pastor Mike know to add you to the invite list by calling or emailing the office: (941) 637-8443;


Living the Question and Great Decisions are two study groups that begin in January or February each year and run for about eight to ten weeks.  


Book Talk Tea will begin meeting agaon on the second Friday of the month.  Because of COVID, we will be meeting outdoors near the gazebo in Gilchrist Park.  Meet at noon, and bring a brown bag lunch and a lawn chair.  The books that are discussed include books from the United Church of Christ Women's Book List as well as books that members recommend.  

Social Groups

The weekly Men's Breakfasts are on Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. at John Ski's House of Breakfast, 502 King Street, Punta Gorda.  No sign-up is necessary.  Just show up!


Ladies' Lunch Out is on summer hiatus.  Watch the weekly announcements and the Beacon for updates.

Congregational United Church of Christ

Street Address:  1201 Aqui Esta

Punta Gorda, Florida  33950

Mailing Address:  P.O. Box  510838

Punta Gorda, Florida   33951-0838


Telephone: 941-637-8443

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